Our Vision

With the current oversaturated market, we want to demonstrate that Web3 is more than just overpriced tokenized pixels (NFTs). Frequently, the loss of their value progresses very quickly, because they are not rooted in functioning livable virtual ecosystems. This is not sustainable and this is not the future of Web3.

The industry of reinvention showed that anything can be improved and simplified. Apple turning a telephone into an iPhone, Figma coming up with template-based web design run directly on the websites, or Canva allowing us to visualize ideas in seconds instead of spending hours in Photoshop. All that has happened within a competitive market.

While we do not see ourselves as the visionary legends of the industry, this is from whom we learn. We recognize the true potential in existing products and services, and aim to make it better, simpler and more accessible.

Web3 is an unexplored realm of possibilities. Our vision is to empower this space with bold and highly practical ideas โ€“ and to provide real value.

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