
The growth stage will be dedicated to entering a second round of investment for marketing, audience engagement and active development as well as detailing and perfecting the buildout. There are multiple functionalities that will gain advanced features, such as the multiplayer, which will add calculation of physics on the server and the ability to implement own business logic within the server.

Big things here will be represented in Content HUB, Avatar HUB and multiplayer growing to SaaS platform. The SaaS multiplayer will gain the ability to monitor and collect statistics and the open-source developments will be published on GitHub. There will be customizable permissions for user applications directly on the platform with the ability to select: open to all, only certain users, etc.

Further we will develop a proprietary voice and text chat service, add VTuber Maker functionality for avatars in the form of a lite version of face synchronization between the camera face and the avatar face using shake keys.

More advanced functionalities and adjustments will be gradually implemented over time.

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