
In the future, Web3 will become a globally adopted infrastructure, which is why our team sees the access to virtual spaces as a matter of necessity. Our goal is to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to explore the virtual world, navigate through it with ease and make the best use of it. One of our main objectives – making our platform as accessible as possible – is realized by a simplified manner of entry and operations.


OWNverse operates by default as a browser-based platform. The website is a foundation of the platform where users gain access and get acquainted with the platform’s features and manage their account.


The account is a personal entry point for users where they store personal information. Users can create lists of friends and followers, manage their subscriptions and payments. Every user visiting the platform interacts by the means of a 3D avatar. To explore OWNverse, users can either visit as a guest with an avatar assigned by default, or join by creating an account, gaining all perks and personalization rights of being a member.

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