Market Analysis

OWNverse is a Mixed Reality (MR) platform offering B2B and B2C software solutions to users who want to establish their presence in the Metaverse, with seamless integration across existing platforms and technologies.

Mixed Reality

Mixed reality is a blend of physical and digital worlds, unlocking natural and intuitive 3D human, computer, and environmental interactions. This new reality is based on advancements in computer vision, graphical processing, display technologies, input systems, and cloud computing. The term "mixed reality" was introduced in a 1994 paper by Paul Milgram and Fumio Kishino, "A Taxonomy of Mixed reality Visual Displays." Their paper explored the concept of a virtuality continuum and the taxonomy of visual displays. Since then, the application of mixed reality has gone beyond displays to include:

  • Environmental understanding: spatial mapping and anchors.
  • Human understanding: hand-tracking, eye-tracking, and speech input.
  • Spatial sound.
  • Locations and positioning in both physical and virtual spaces.
  • Collaboration on 3D assets in mixed reality spaces.

MR Total Addressable Market (TAM) | Worldwide

MR Revenue 2021 $810 Million
MR Exp. Revenue 2029 $15.4 Billion
CAGR (Year-over-Year Growth Rate) 44.50%
Software & Services Revenue 2021

$486-527 Million

(Approx 60-65%)

Software & Services Revenue 2029

$9.24-10 Billion

(Approx 60-65%)

MR Total Addressable Market (TAM) | North America, Europe, APAC

MR Revenue 2021$567 Million
MR Exp. Revenue 2029$10.78 Billion
CAGR (Year-over-Year Growth Rate)44.50%
Software & Services Revenue 2021

$340.20-370 Million

(Approx 60-65%)

Approx 60-65%
Software & Services Revenue 2029

$6.5-7 Billion

(Approx 60-65%)

Approx 60-65%

Online Shopping Behaviour

Shoppers as % of Online Population68%72%
Tickets for events27%26%
Film and Music22%16%
Computer Technologies39%18%
Food and Groceries14%18%
Clothes/Sports Goods40%46%
Books/Magazines/E-learning Material23%25%

% Online Users That Will Spend Money Online (Min: $1) at some point during the year ~ 70%

Serviceable Available Market (SAM) | Worldwide

MR Revenue 2021 $567 Million
MR Exp. Revenue 2029 $10.78 Billion
CAGR (Year-over-Year Growth Rate) 44.50%
Software & Services Revenue 2021 $340.20-370 Million (Approx 60-65%)
Software & Services Revenue 2029 $6.5-7 Billion (Approx 60-65%)

Serviceable Available Market (SAM) | North America, Europe, APAC

MR Revenue 2021 $396.9 Million
MR Exp. Revenue 2029 $7.546 Billion
CAGR (Year-over-Year Growth Rate) 44.50%
Software & Services Revenue 2021 $238.14-259 Million (Approx 60-65%)
Software & Services Revenue 2029 $4.55-4.9 Billion (Approx 60-65%)

Serviceable Obtainable Market (SOM) | Worldwide

OWNverse SOM Values by Year

YearStatic Market ShareDynamic Market ShareModelling Forecast

Serviceable Obtainable Market (SOM)

OWNverse SOM Valuation | FCFE Valuation


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