Use Cases

Web3 virtual spaces offer extensive benefits and opportunities to increase the quality of everyday functioning in multiple spheres. As of March 2022, 17% of global IT enterprises have invested in the metaverse, while industry sectors such as Marketing, Finance, Education and Healthcare move between 9-12% (source: Statista).

  1. Virtual Economy & Shopping. Business and e-commerce brands actively enter Web3 due to expanded possibilities to promote and showcase their products. Customers can try on clothes, visualize furniture and decor, or test out gadgets. In OWNverse, businesses can set up stores or move their already existing stores from platforms they use (e.g. Shopify), allow interactive services within their virtual spaces, and target a large number of customers.
  2. Business & Marketing. The leverage of virtual space applications expands currently used business models. OWNverse supports and is supported by digital enterprises that help conduct business digitally. It extends the possibilities of 2D web-based e-commerce and allows brands to use a virtual ecosystem to communicate their branding and manage transactions. Innovative brand awareness and business identity transforms storytelling to β€˜story living’ with a participative audience.
  3. Remote Work & Global Interconnectivity. Virtual business architecture brings a massive shift in the work environment. Enterprises such as YouTube, Intel or Nike all use virtual offices for their global teams, rapidly increasing their chances to hire the best talent without any obstacles. This brings remote corporate training for company workforce with access to digital environments for experiential learning. Remote working in virtual spaces, international collaboration and communication is one of the hottest trends in digital working space, completely transcending work life as we know it.
  4. Education & Learning. As one of the most promising uses, VR brings education and any form of learning to another qualitative level. Learners can get involved experientially and not just be passive consumers of information. It is the beginning of a new educational era, eliminating barriers (physical, linguistic etc.) and gathering for a sole purpose of targeted immersive learning.
  5. Leisure & Entertainment. Virtual events give a better sense of presence in a timeless virtual destination accessible to all. Museums and galleries also gain popular traction in the metaverse. VR gaming sector is an enormous market that possesses hundreds of thousands daily users offering a fully fledged 3D interactive environment. A wide adoption of 3D media consumption is a matter of a short timeframe.
  6. Social Media & Networking. An enormous number of users have already adopted globally widespread social media networks. They will be able to build on their habits and start interacting by means of their 3D digital selves. This will foster further expansion of the networks and create a common virtual digital media space to participate in any type of activity.
  7. Travel & Tourism. VR immersive technology lets users travel within a virtual environment overcoming large distances via digital experiences. VR/AR is a breakthrough in the travel industry, initiating 360Β° virtual tours with realistic effects. Very popular is the concept β€˜try before you fly’ – a VR feature launched by Thomas Cook that helps potential travelers firstly visit their destinations virtually before they decide to purchase a ticket.

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