๐ŸŽบ 9. Disclaimer

The information contained in this document shall be used as a reference only. Although the information obtained herein is from what we believe to be credible and reliable sources, OWNverse LLC, (further as โ€œOWNverseโ€) does not guarantee its accuracy or completeness.

This document and the information contained may not be duplicated and is a subject to change without notice. It is to serve informational purposes only, which should be considered in respect to any sale, purchase, investment or funding. OWNverse shall not be liable for any damages that may arise from inaccuracy of information mentioned in this document.

The information contained herein should not be used as a basis for an investment decision. Such a decision should be based on diligent procedures including, but not limited to a thorough review of all relevant sheets and documents, as well as consultations with regulatory and administrative bodies, and legal and tax experts. No assurance can be issued that OWNverse will meet its performance targets, fulfill its objectives, and thus avoid losses.

The performance projections of the OWNverse platform that is described in this document may have been generated during a period of extreme market volatility and overall instability, as well as relative stability on the market. This is not necessarily indicative of results that OWNverse may or may not achieve in the future. It merely indicates general development trends. Any change in circumstances may result in appropriation of the concept.

The platform performance and OWNverse-native technology development is subject to a projection. By applying Research & Development, we develop products, processes and services or improve those that already exist, which is highly speculative in nature. Any investment in these involves significant risks and there is no assurance that this project will be successful.

This material is not intended to represent and does not constitute regulatory, legal, tax or accounting advice. Potential investors should adopt responsibility for the decision making, consult and rely on multiple experts, advisors and counsels to make any investment decisions concerning the OWNverse project.

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